长期致力于宽禁带III族氮化物(GaN等)和III族氧化物等化合物半导体材料MOCVD和MBE外延、光电器件(LED, laser, photodetector等)和电力电子功率器件(高电子迁移率晶体管HEMTs)设计与制备研究。同时开展包括低维材料与器件(纳米线,量子点),二维/三维新型半导体异质结的材料生长、载流子输运特性、光电集成器件与系统研究。
My research is positioned at the crossroads of interdisciplinary electrical engineering, applied physics, optoelectronics, and photonics. Specifically, I am interested in the investigation of the physics, MBE and MOCVD epitaxy, fabrication, and characterization of semiconductor materials and devices. This includes nanostructures and low-dimensional structures (quantum wires, dots, wells) for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, based on group III (Al, Ga, In, B)-Nitrides and Oxides. Recently, I have expanded my research to the field of the 2D materials and novel heterojunctions. The device applications include LED/lasers, solar cells, Si-photonics, sensors, power electronics, flexible device and integrated photonics. 主要研究宽禁带(第三代)半导体,主攻光电及电力电子器件及其应用。