Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main Positions:博士生导师
My research is positioned at the crossroads of interdisciplinary electrical engineering, applied physics, optoelectronics, and photonics. Specifically, I am interested in the investigation of the physics, MBE and MOCVD epitaxy, fabrication, and characterization of semiconductor materials and devices. This includes nanostructures and low-dimensional structures (quantum wires, dots, wells) for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, based on group III (Al, Ga, In, B)-Nitrides and Oxides. Recently, I have expanded my research to the field of the 2D materials and novel heterojunctions. The device applications include LED/lasers, solar cells, Si-photonics, sensors, power electronics, flexible device and integrated photonics.
Details about publication:
Google Scholar Profile:
Optoelectronics related:
0. M. Huanin, Haiding Sun*et al., A three-terminal light emitting and detecting diode, Nature Electronics, 7, 279-287, 2024
1. D. Wang, Haiding Sun*et al., Bidirectional photocurrent in p–n heterojunction nanowires. Nature Electronics, 4(9), 645-652 (2021) (ESI高被引论文)
2. S. Fang, Haiding Sun*et al., Light-induced bipolar photoresponse with amplified photocurrents in electrolyte-assisted bipolar GaN p-n junction, Advanced Materials, 2300911 (2023) (封面论文)
3. W. Chen, Haiding Sun*et al., Manipulating Surface Band Bending of III-Nitride Nanowires with Ambipolar Charge-Transfer Characteristics: A Pathway Toward Advanced Photoswitching Logic Gates and Encrypted Optical Communication, Advanced Materials, 2307779 (2023) (封面论文)
4. H. Yu, Haiding Sun*et al., Highly Responsive Broadband (250~1000 nm) DUV-NIR Photodetector and Tunable Emitter Enabled by Ⅲ-Ⅴ Nanowire on Silicon for Integrated Photonics, 2023 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), Paper # Session 20-4 (2023)
5. H. Yu, Haiding Sun*et al., Dual-Functional Triangular-Shape Micro-Size Light-Emitting and Detecting Diode for On-Chip Optical Communication in the Deep Ultraviolet Band, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2300789 (2023)
6. H. Yu, Haiding Sun*et al., Highly Responsive Switchable Broadband DUV-NIR Photodetector and Tunable Emitter Enabled by Uniform and Vertically Grown III–V Nanowire on Silicon Substrate for Integrated Photonics, Small, 2307458 (2023)
7. Y. Kang, Haiding Sun*et al., Achieving Record-High Photoelectrochemical Photoresponse Characteristics by Employing Co3O4 Nanoclusters as Hole Charging Layer for Underwater Optical Communication, ACS Nano, 17: 3901-3912 (2023)
8. Z. Li, Haiding Sun*, Solar Hydrogen, Advanced Energy Materials, 13(8), 2203019 (2023)
9. M. H. Memon, Haiding Sun*et al., Quantum Dots Integrated Deep-ultraviolet Micro-LED Array Towards Solar-Blind and Visible Light Dual-Band Optical Communication, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 44(3), 472-475 (2023)
10. D. Wang, Haiding Sun*et al., Observation of polarity-switchable photoconductivity in III-nitride/MoSx core-shell nanowires, Light: Science & Applications, 11(1), 1-13(2022) (Cover Article封面文章 并入选 Editors’ Highlight)
11. H. Yu, Haiding Sun*et al., Deep Ultraviolet LEDs Incorporated with SiO2‐Based Microcavities Toward High Speed Ultraviolet Light Communication, Advanced Optical Materials 10 (23), 2201738(2022)
12. S. Fang, Haiding Sun* et al, Balancing the Photo-Induced Carrier Transport Behavior at Two Semiconductor Interfaces for Dual-Polarity Photodetection,Advanced Functional Materials, 31(29), 2202524 (2022)
13. X. Liu, Haiding Sun* et al, Achieving Record High External Quantum Efficiency> 86.7% in Solar‐Blind Photoelectrochemical Photodetection,Advanced Functional Materials, 2201604 (2022) (Cover Article封面文章)
14. D. Wang, Haiding Sun* et al, AlGaN/Pt Nanoarchitecture: Toward High Responsivity, Self Powered Ultraviolet-Sensitive Photodetection Nano Letters, 21(1), 120–129 (2021) (ESI高被引论文)
15. D. Wang, Ran Long, Yujie Xiong, Boon S. Ooi, Zetian Mi, Jr-Hau He, and Haiding Sun*, AlGaN/Pt Nanoarchitecture: Toward High Responsivity, Self Powered Ultraviolet-Sensitive Photodetection Nano Letters, 21(1), 120–129 (2021). (ESI高被引论文)
16. Yu, H, Haiding Sun* et al, AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet micro-LED emitting at 275 nm. Optics Letters 46(13), 3271-3274 (2021) (2020-2021年度OL期刊高被引论文)
17. C. Huang, Haiding Sun*, Ultraviolet Optoelectronic Devices Based on AlGaN-SiC Platform: Towards Monolithic Photonics Integration System, Nano Energy, 77, 105149 (2020)
18. Y. Qin, Haiding Sun*, Shibing Long*, and Ming Liu, Metal−Semiconductor−Metal ε‑Ga2O3 Solar-Blind Photodetectors with a Record-High Responsivity Rejection Ratio and Their Gain Mechanism, ACS Photonics 7(3), 812−820, 2020 (Cover Article杂志封面文章,ESI高被引论文前1%)
19. Haiding. Sun* et al., “Unambiguously Enhanced Ultraviolet Luminescence of AlGaN Wavy Quantum Well Structures Grown on Large Misoriented Sapphire Substrate”, Advanced Functional Materials, 29 (48), 1905445, 2019 # 媒体报道:Featured in Compound Semiconductor,中国科技日报,中国科学报(2020年第7423期头版
20. Haiding Sun* et al, Graded-Index Separated Confinement Heterostructure AlGaN Nanowires: Towards Ultraviolet Laser Diodes Implementation, ACS Photonics, 8, 3305, 2018
21. Haiding Sun* et al, HCl Flow-Induced Phase Change of α-, β- and ε-Ga2O3 Films Grown by MOCVD, Crystal Growth & Design, 18, 4, 2370-2376,2018 # 媒体报道:Featured in Compound Semiconductor, Science Newsline,, Nanowerk
Power electronics related:
22. H. Zhang, Haiding Sun*et al., Boosted High-Temperature Electrical Characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with Rationally Designed Compositionally Graded AlGaN Back Barriers, Science China Information Science, 66 (8), 182405 (2023)
23. H. Zhang, Haiding Sun*et al., Effect of in-situ SiNx grown with different carrier gas on structural and electrical properties of GaN-based MISHEMTs, Applied Physics Letters 122 (17) (2023)
24. H. Zhang, Haiding Sun*et al., Room-Temperature Organic Passivation for GaN-on-Si HEMTs With Improved Device Stability, IEEE Tran. on Electron Device (2023) DOI:10.1109/TED.2023.3280863
25. Y. Sun, Haiding Sun*et al., Correlation Between Electrical Performance and Gate Width of GaN-Based HEMTs, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 43 (8), 1199-1203(2022)
26. L. Yang, Haiding Sun*et al., Temperature-dependent photodetection behavior of AlGaN/GaN-based ultraviolet phototransistors, Applied Physics Letters, 120(9),091103(2022) (ESI高被引论文)
27. H. Zhang, Haiding Sun* et al, Compositionally Graded III-Nitride Alloys: Building Blocks for Efficient Ultraviolet Optoelectronics and Power Electronics, Reports on Progress in Physics, 84(4), 044401 (2021) (ESI高被引论文)
28. H. Zhang, Haiding Sun* et al, Demonstration of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on vicinal sapphire substrates with large misoriented angles, Applied Physics Letters, 119(7), 072104 (2021);
29. H. Zhang, and Haiding Sun* et al, Demonstration of AlGaN/GaN-based ultraviolet phototransistor with a record high responsivity over 3.6× 107 A/W. Applied Physics Letters, 118(24), p.242105 (2021)
30. Z. Xing, Haiding Sun* et al, Normally-OFF AlGaN/GaN-based HEMTs with decreasingly graded AlGaN cap layer, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56 (2), 025105(2022)
31. B. Zeng, Haiding Sun* et al, DC and low-frequency noise characteristics of GaN-based HEMTs under cryogenic temperatures, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (43), 434003(2022)
32. K. Song, Haiding Sun* et al, Normally-off AlN/β-Ga2O3 field-effect transistors using polarization-induced doping Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (34), 345107 (2020)