Dr. Peng Li is a Professor of Microelectronics at University of Science and Technology of China. Before the current position, he was an assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the head of the Quantum Spintronics Device Laboratory at Auburn University. He studies quantum and spintronic materials and devices for future computing and storage applications. He received a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the Department of Electronic Science and Technology from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2007 and 2009, and a Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame in 2014. He worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University (2018-2019) and Colorado State University (2014-2015, 2017-2018), an Associate Professor at HUST (2017), as well as a Senior Research Engineer at Seagate Technology (2015-2016). He has published 50+ papers, including Nature Communications and Science Advances, book chapters, two review articles, and two patents. He is a Committee Member for the IEEE Magnetics Society Education Committee, IEEE Intermag/MMM Best Presentation Selection Committee, and Stanford Topological Insulator Consortium. He has organized major international conferences, including IEEE International Magnetics Conference and Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. He is an Associate Editor of IEEE transactions on Quantum Engineering, a senior editorial member of IEEE Magnetics Letters. He received Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award in 2021.
- Basic Information
- Scientific Research
[1] 2009.6~2014.5, 美国圣母大学 ,Electronic Science and Technology ,With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study ,Dr ,导师:Gary Bernstein教授(IEEE会士) 专业:电子工程
[2] 2007.7~2009.6, 华中科技大学 ,Microelectronics and Solid-state Electronics ,With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates ,Master
[3] 2003.9~2007.6, 华中科技大学 ,Electronic Science and Technology ,本科 ,bachelor's degree
[1] 2022.1~Now, 图书馆VIP ,微电子学院 ,特任教授
[2] 2019.8~2021.12, 奥本大学 ,电子与计算机工程系 ,助理教授
[3] 2018.2~2019.8, 斯坦福大学 ,应用物理系 ,博士后研究员
[4] 2014.1~2017.1, 科罗拉多州立大学 ,物理系 ,博士后研究员
[5] 2015.6~2016.10, 希捷科技集团 ,硬盘研发中心 ,高级工程师
[6] 2014.5~2015.6, 科罗拉多州立大学 ,物理系 ,博士后研究员
[1] 2019.11~Now, IEEE Magnetics Letters 高级编委
[2] 2020.4~Now, IEEE transactions on Quantum Engineering 副主编
[1] 自旋信息存储与计算器件,
[2] Probing novel phases of matter in van der Waals magnet Fe5-xGeTe2,
[3] Engineering Exceptional Points in Hybrid Quantum Devices,
[4] Probing Novel Quantum Phases in van der Waals Magnet Fe5GeTe2,RSP,
[5] Acquisition of a X-Ray Diffraction System for Materials Research in Alabama,NSF,
[6] Development of Spintronic Devices for Information Storage,Auburn University,
[7] Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces and Novel Architectures,DaRPA SRC,
[8] Spintronics with Yttrium Iron Garnets - From Fundamental Physics to Device Concepts),NSF,
[1] • Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award, OARU Foundation 2021
[2] • Shaheen Award Nominee of Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame 2014
[3] • Professional Development Award, University of Notre Dame 2013
[4] • Best in Session Award, SRC TECHCON conference 2013
[5] • Best Student Paper Award Finalist Prize, IEEE International Magnetics conference 2012