2. Qingsheng Tao, Mingcai Chen, Shuji Ye, Study and Application of impregnation of small molecules into polymers in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Suliao 2000, 29, 4.
发布时间:2023-07-14 点击次数:次
上一条:1. Shuji Ye, Ming Jiang, Mingcai Chen, Introduction of Alkali Cations and Molybdenum Component into Y-Zeolite and its Properties. Guangzhou Chemistry 1999, 3, 16.
下一条:3. Shuji Ye, Mingcai Chen, Yuhui Huang, Guangmin Cong, Swelling Behavior of Polymers in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Chinese Chemistry Online 1999, 13, c99135.