20. Shuji Ye, Kenichi Tonokura, Mitsuo Koshi, Theoretical studies of pressure dependence of phonon and vibron frequency shifts of PETN. Science and Technology of Energetic Materials 2003, 64, 201-207.
发布时间:2023-07-14 点击次数:次
上一条:19. Shuji Ye, Kenichi Tonokura, Mitsuo Koshi, A Raman study of energy transfer processes between phonon and vibron in RDX and b-HMX at low temperature. Journal of the Japan Explosives Society 2002, 63, 49-57.
下一条:21. Shuji Ye, Kenichi Tonokura, Mitsuo Koshi, Vibron dynamics in RDX, b-HMX and Tetryl Crystals. Chemical Physics 2003, 293, 1-8.