- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (English):Xinxing Yang
- Name (Pinyin):yangxinxing
- E-Mail:
- Administrative Position:Principal investigator
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:西区医算楼807
- Contact Information:xinxingyang@ustc.tsg211.com
- Degree:Dr
- Alma Mater:Peking Univeristy
- Teacher College:Life Sciences
- Discipline:Biology
Contact Information
- ZipCode:
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- Email:
- Student Information
Release time:2022-04-11 Hits:
- Major:Microbiology
- Research Focus:1.开发高效的细菌基因组编辑方法。2. 发展新的细胞壁底物合成,提取方法。
- Personal Profile:本科毕业于潍坊医学院,于2021年九月加入YangLab,主要研究方向为细菌基因组编辑以及温度敏感突变体的筛选。喜欢猫咪和纪录片。
- Education Level:本科
- Degree:bachelor's degree
- Current Status:Studying
- Student ID:SA21008157
- Date of Registration:2021-09-06
- E-Mail:zhangyanzy@mail.ustc.tsg211.com