Dr. Chenhui Peng is a Professor in Department of Physics in USTC since 2022. He got his PhD degree from Liquid Crystal Institute of Kent State University in Ohio in 2017. Afterwards he did Postdoc work in MIT from 2017 to 2018. Then he was an Assistant Professor in Department of Physics and Materials Science in the University of Memphis from Aug. 2018 to Dec. 2021. His research interest include active soft matter, biophysics, smart materials, colloidal self assembly, microfluidics and their bioengineering applications and his work have been published in Science, Nature Physics, Science Advances, Nature Communications and Advanced Materials etc.
We are recruiting motivated PhD students and Postdocs. Please contact Dr. Chenhui Peng at cpeng2@ustc.tsg211.com for more information.
(Representative publications *indicates corresponding author):
1. J. Jiang#, X. Wang#, O. Akomolafe#, W. Tang, Z. Asilehan, K. Ranabhat, R. Zhang* and Chenhui Peng*, Collective transport and reconfigurable assembly of nematic colloids by light-driven cooperative molecular reorientations, PNAS, 120, e2221718120 (2023)
2. J. Jiang#, K. Ranabhat#, X. Wang#, H. Rich, R. Zhang* and Chenhui Peng*, Active transformations of topological structures in light-driven nematic disclination networks, PNAS, 119, e2122226119 (2022)
3. Chenhui Peng, T. Turiv, Y. Guo, Q.-H. Wei, and O. D. Lavrentovich*, "Command of active matter by topological defects and patterns," Science, 354, 882 (2016).
4. Chenhui Peng, T. Turiv, Y. Guo, S. V. Shiyanovskii, Q.-H. Wei, and O. D. Laverntovich*, "Control of colliodal placement and assembly by modulated molecular orientaion in nematic cells," Science Advances, 2, e1600932 (2016).
5. Chenhui Peng, Y. Guo, T. Turiv, Miao Jiang, Q.-H. Wei, and O. Lavrentovich*, "Patterning of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals by photoalignment with photonic metamasks," Advanced Materials, 29, 1606112 (2017).
6. J. Chen, J. Jiang, J. Weber, V. Gimenez-Pinto*, Chenhui Peng*, Shape Morphing by Topological Patterns and Profiles in Laser-Cut Liquid Crystal Elastomer Kirigami. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 4538 (2023).
7. Juan Chen#, Oluwafemi Isaac Akomolafe#, Netra Prasad Dhakal, Mahesh Pujyam, Omar Skalli, J. Jiang* and Chenhui Peng*, Nematic Templated Complex Nanofiber Structures by Projection Display, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14, 7230 (2022)
8. Netra Prasad Dhakal#, Jinghua Jiang#, Yubing Guo and Chenhui Peng*, Self-assembly of Aqueous Soft Matter Patterned by Liquid Crystal Polymer Networks for Controlling Dynamics of Bacteria, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 13680 (2020)
9. Jinghua Jiang, Netra Prasad Dhakal, Yubing Guo, Christian Andre, Lauren Thompson, Omar Skalli and Chenhui Peng*, Controlled Dynamics of Neural Tumor Cells by Templated Liquid Crystalline Polymer Networks, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9, 2000487 (2020)
10. J. Chen, A. Johnson, J. Weber, Oluwafemi Isaac Akomolafe, Jinghua Jiang* and Chenhui Peng*, Programmable Light-driven Liquid Crystal Elastomer Kirigami with Controlled Molecular Orientations, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4, 2100233, (2022)
[1]Name of Research Group:Peng Lab