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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Teaching Information



Leader of Teaching Group:陈凯,徐飞虎

Members of Teaching Group:魏君豪,杨挪亚

Course Introduction:This course is open to all graduate students and undergraduates. The final grades are based on final exam (60%), homework and attendance of the class (20%), as well as a report about quantum information (20%, the subject can be arbitrary, which is preferably related to your current research project, recent progress or your own ideas along one specific area on theoretical or experimental quantum information).


Schedule:周一 14:00~15:35 周三 9:45~12:10

Testing Method:期末考试(60%),作业和课堂(20%),期末小论文(20%)

Target Students:本科生、研究生

Discipline:Quantum information science


Class classroom:1302教室

School Year:2023-2024

Semester:Spring Term

Course number:PHYS5251P


Course Type:Postgraduate Course:

Top-Quality Courses or Not:no

Maximum Number of Students:72

Required Class Hours:80.0

Course HomePage Address:

Courses and reference books:教材:Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael A. Nielsen & Isaac L. Chuang, Cambridge University Press, 2010. 参考书: 量子信息参考书 马雄峰、张行健、黄溢智,《量子信息简明教程》,清华大学出版社,2023. 量子力学参考书 王向斌,沈艺鑫,于云龙,秦季茜,徐海,《量子力学基础教程》,清华大学出版社,2023.